Cattle Electric Fencing Solutions

Safe – Animals remember and develop a respect for the fence
Durable – Stock pressure on your fence is reduced so it lasts longer
Easy To Install – Less than half the time to build vs a non-electric fence
Economical – Costs less to build and maintain than a non-electric fence


Plan the number of pastures to allow for controlled, rotational grazing. Create a center aisle to enable easy access for livestock checking. Try to make pastures as square as possible for even grazing and to prevent trampling of the grass into well worn paths.

Products are divided into three sections, Power, Construct and Conduct to help you find your best Cattle system quickly and easily.

A Gallagher high-tensile fence offers plenty of advantage. For a safe, permanent barrier a 2-wire system will suffice. For beef cattle with calves, a 3-wire system is the best solution. See other cattle electric fencing configurations by downloading our manual below, to help you select the best system that is right for your fencing situation.


Cattle Fencing Solutions at Electric Fence Canada